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Welcome to CyberCon Call for Speakers

AISA is pleased to invite speakers to submit their applications (up to three on different topics) to present at the 2025 Australian Cyber Conference Melbourne Edition being held 15-17 October 2025 at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre. 

We are now calling for speakers to share their experience and knowledge at the conference by submitting a presentation proposal. No matter whether you are a consultant, an industry professional, a small business owner, start-up founder, an industry thought leader, security professional, ethical hacker, researcher or law enforcement officer, we want to hear from you. All submissions will be reviewed by the AISA Conference Committee and will have to adhere to the same criteria we apply for keynote speakers – the presentation must be vendor neutral and cannot be product focused. AISA advocates against the practice of disparaging other companies, products or services through negative naming.

AISA encourages applications from individuals of all genders, ethnicities and backgrounds, especially welcoming the new voices.

The event will have a number of Breakout, Think Tank, Panel , Knowledge Sharing and Workshop speaking streams across the three conference days (15 - 17 October 2025) to be held in Melbourne. During the call for speakers process, applicants will be able to select which style of presentation you wish to be considered for via a tick box. You will also be able to select a presentation theme from the topics listed. During the review process if the committee feels that your presentation may suit a different style, they will make contact with you.
